Heavy equipment remodeling a road

Grading Contractor Insurance Detroit, MI

PBIB offers Grading Contractor Insurance with savings up to 40%. To ensure that you receive the best possible price and coverage tailored to your requirements, PBIB quotes your insurance using multiple insurance carriers. Furthermore, all policies come with flexible payment options, including annual or monthly payments.

We typically recommend the following coverage for Grading Contractor

Our aim at PBIB is to ensure that your Grading Contractor business is safeguarded against losses by providing you with the necessary coverage. As insurance brokers, we are not restricted to a single insurance program, but rather select from a range of options to tailor the coverage to your unique insurance requirements. To protect your business from various losses, such as property damage, personal injury, employee injuries, damage or loss of vehicles, tools, and equipment, as well as legal fees and indemnity, we recommend the following coverages:

Save up to 40% on Grading Contractor Insurance

PBIB will typically use numerous insurance companies to quote your insurance to give you the best deal and coverage for your needs. Every policy has adjustable payment options, such as yearly or monthly installment payments.


General Liability

Occurrence Limit
Product Completed Ops
Each Occurence Limit

Worker's Compensation


Commercial Auto


Tools & Equipment

Limits *

Excess Liability

Limits *
  1. Tools and Equipment limits should be adjusted to the actual value of the Tools and Equipment owned, leased, or rented by the Contractor.
  2. Excess Liability should be considered for exposures to loss that exceed $1,000,000, or contractual requirements dictate the amount of excess liability must be carried.
  3. Professional Liability is usually not needed unless the GC is performing Design-Build, Construction Management, or other consulting services.

We offer services to help you get the business insurance coverage you need

General Liability for Grading Contractors

General Liability insurance is crucial for Grading Contractors to shield their business against third-party claims, including property damage or injury caused by their work. Even a minor accident can have a lasting impact on the future of the company. In the case of bodily harm or property destruction due to your business operations, a lawsuit can cause severe harm, potentially leading to the downfall of your business. Our General Liability insurance offers comprehensive protection for your employees, assets, and overall company from any potential risks and lawsuits. Prioritizing the safety of your business assets, our insurance is designed to safeguard your company from vulnerable situations and devastating legal actions.

Your state or the county where you work may legally require general liability to grant you a license as a grading contractor. We refer to this as "Insurance on your time" at PBIB. We offer full-service certificates Monday through Friday and 24/7 self-service certificates.

General Liability for Grading Contractors can help you pay for:

  • Medical payments for 3rd party injuries.
  • Property damage to 3rd party property.
  • Legal fees and defense.

Workers Compensation for Grading Contractors

We offer the finest policies in the industry to provide complete protection to you and your workers in the event of any injury or illness. Our Workers' Compensation policy covers medical expenses and lost income of your employees, aiding their recovery. Additionally, in case of a lawsuit, this policy protects you as well. So, choose us for a reliable policy that ensures the safety of both you and your workers.

If you do not have any employees but still require a Work Comp policy, we have got you covered with policies that not only protect you but also offer the coverage your customers demand.

Workers' Compensation might be a mandatory requirement for your Grading Contractor license in your state or county of operation. We provide full-service certificates on all weekdays and round-the-clock self-service certificates, which we refer to as "Insurance on your time."

Workers' Compensation for Grading Contractors can help you pay for:

  • Medical expenses of your injured employees
  • Disability & Retraining of your employee
  • Lost wages
  • Survivor benefit
  • Employer liability

Commercial Auto for Grading Contractors

Grading Contractors cannot function without company vehicles to transport you, your materials, and tools to the jobsite. PBIB understands the importance of your wheeled workforce and provides the insurance you need to be covered when trucks are damaged or stolen. We work to get you back to work as soon as possible.

We offer full-service insurance certificates Monday through Friday to get you on the job as well as 24/7 self-service certificates, which is what we refer to as "Insurance on your time." Commercial auto insurance is a crucial insurance coverage for Grading Contractors and a requirement for many projects.

Commercial Auto for Grading Contractors can help you pay for:

  • Hired & Non-Owned Auto, Legal defense from employees driving their own vehicles
  • Medical expenses from injuries
  • Collision repairs to your and 3rd party vehicles
  • Legal fees & Defense
  • Rental vehicle reimbursement

Tools & Equipment for Grading Contractors

The goal of the tools and equipment insurance for grading contractors is to safeguard your valuable moving property. Inland marine insurance, also referred to as tools and equipment coverage, guards your valuable assets against risks like theft and damage while they are being used, stored, or transported to and from your worksite.

Tools & Equipment for Grading Contractors can help you pay for damaged or stolen:

  • Tools & Equipment owned or rented by you
  • Employee tools and equipment (Optional)
  • Borrowed equipment (Optional)
  • Cost of renting interim equipment (Optional)

Professional Liability for Grading Contractors

Professional liability, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, is a type of insurance coverage that protects grading contractors from lawsuits related to their professional services.

Grading contractors, like other professionals, can make mistakes or fail to meet their clients' expectations, which can lead to legal claims against them. These claims can be costly, time-consuming, and damaging to the contractor's reputation.

Professional liability insurance helps grading contractors by covering the costs of defending against lawsuits, as well as any settlements or judgments that may be awarded. This type of insurance can also provide coverage for damage that result from errors or omissions made by the contractor, such as damage to property or injury to a third party.

Professional Liability Insurance can help your business with:

  • Protection against Legal risk
  • Coverage for claims and financial risk related to errors and omissions in their work.

License Bonds for Grading Contractors

A grading contractor's license bond is a type of surety bond that some states require grading contractors to obtain before they can legally operate. The bond is intended to ensure that grading contractors comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to their work and fulfill any contractual obligations they have with their clients.

If a grading contractor fails to meet these requirements, a claim can be made against the license bond. If the claim is found to be valid, the bond company will compensate the claimant for up to the amount of the bond. The grading contractor is then responsible for reimbursing the bond company for any payouts made.

Obtaining a license bond can instill confidence in clients and regulators that a grading contractor is committed to operating with integrity and adhering to the rules. It can also safeguard the grading contractor's business by covering any losses that may result from claims against their license.

Detroit is the largest and most populous city in the U.S. state of Michigan, the largest U.S. city on the United States-Canada border, and the county seat of Wayne County. The municipality of Detroit had a 2020 population of 639,111 according to the 2020 census, making it the 27th-most populous city in the United States. The metropolitan area, known as Metro Detroit, is home to 4.3 million people, making it the second-largest in the Midwest after the Chicago metropolitan area, and 14th-largest in the United States. Regarded as a major cultural center, Detroit is known for its contributions to music and as a repository for art, architecture and design, along with its historical automotive background.
